Augustus John on the cover of Time Magazine, by Boris Chaliapin It's difficult to think of an artist, or a human being, who made a bigger, noisier mess of his love life than Augustus John. Raised in a strict religious home, he rebelled with a life of free love and anarchy. He proudly crowed, "Without much thought I act on the impulse of the moment." John impetuously eloped with a fellow art student, Ida Nettleship, but shortly after they were married he began courting a second art student, Dorelia McNeill. While Ida sat home tending to their new baby, John was pleading with Dorelia to pose for him in the nude ("Why not sit for me in your soft skin, and no other clothes-- Are you ashamed? Nonsense! It's not as if you were very fat."). Sketch of Dorelia by Augustus John Ida gradually accepted that in order to hang onto her husband, she would have to consent to living in a menage a trois with Dorelia. When Dorelia remained unconvinced, John enlisted his s...