The artist Pavel Korin centered his life around one grand ambition: to paint a masterpiece about the impact of the Russian Revolution. Preliminary study for "Farewell to Rus" Korin worked for 42 years in preparation for his painting, developing sub-themes, experimenting with various compositions and painting detailed sketches. He researched the science of art conservation to make sure his masterpiece would last for centuries without restoration. He ordered an immense canvas specially made and installed it on custom built stretchers. Then he died before he could apply his first brush stroke. Korin's blank canvas, with preliminary studies A tough break, but at least fate was more generous to Korin than it was to poor Masaccio, one of the most promising painters of the Renaissance. Vasari described Masaccio as "the best painter of his generation," but after he began work on his famed frescoes at the Branacci Chapel, Massaccio took a side trip to Rome...