It is a fine thing to view the world with the fresh eyes of a child. Frankenthaler The colors are brighter and motives are purer. Olitski No wonder Goethe's Faust was ready to trade his soul to recover his lost innocence: Give me back youth's golden prime When my own spirit too was growing When from my heart unbidden rhymes Gushed forth, a fount forever flowing; The world was shrouded in a haze The bud still promised wondrous powers And I would cull a thousand flowers With which all valleys were ablaze Nothing I had, and yet profusion The lust for truth, the pleasure in illusion. Give back the passions unabated, That deepest joy, alive with pain, Love's power and the strength of hatred, Give back my youth to me again. But it is also a fine thing to view the world through the eyes of experience. Raphael, the School of Athens Experience enables us to get past the inanities of youth and start addressing the complexities of life. The world often loses charm in the process, but...