In my opinion, Adrian Gottlieb is one of the finest young figurative painters working in the classical tradition today. His elegant, timeless designs speak with quiet authority. By contrast, the most financially successful figurative painter working in the classical style today is John Currin: Currin lacks Gottlieb's talent, but this painting recently sold for $5,458,500-- hundreds of times more than a painting by Gottlieb. Compare the work of these two artists and see if you can explain this huge disparity. I'll give you a hint: it has nothing to do with the quality of the images. Mia Fineman, art critic for Slate, offers the following explanation for why the art market adores Currin: This year, the name on everybody's lips is John Currin, whose midcareer retrospective recently arrived at the Whitney Museum. By now, the major critics have weighed in on Currin's slyly satirical, figurative paintings, and the reviews have been unusually enthusiastic. There are some wild...